Tuesday 1 January 2013

Arrived in Sydney

We've arrived in Sydney and will blog an update on all the fun we are having here very shortly.


  1. Hi Mottrams,
    Emily and I have been following your adventures, thanks for sharing and what a great way to keep in touch. Happy New Year - I hope you saw the Sydney fireworks extravaganza! Irene and Emily xx

  2. Hi Mottrams,
    Really hoping you're enjoying your trip and all the adventure it entails. I miss teaching you all and hope that there's lots of singing on those long trips between towns (when Daddy's not unwell!).
    Happy New Year.

  3. Hey guys!!! This is awesome!! - Im going to use it as the kids bedtime story as much as possible. Miss u all terribly and keep safe as u travel along. You all seem to be embracing the simple things in life which is really special and you should make this blog into a book when its finished so all your girls have a priceless and precious family momento. Love u all so much. Love Marty, Cam and kids xxxx
