Sunday 13 January 2013

Day 1 in Canberra


We woke to a very hot day in Canberra - 37 degrees. It took us a little while to get moving, but we eventually made it to (the new) Parliament House. We were fortunate enought to join a tourn and we all learnt alot about the building and everything that happens there. Maia got very hungry half way through, so we had to quickly duck-out to get a muffin to keep her going. She returned just in time to ask some really good questions of the tour giude when we visited the Senate. After visitng the roof and seeing the view (and the flag as big as a bus), we found a patch of grass for a picnic.

After lunch we visited the War Memorial / Museum. We didn't get to see every bit of it, but we all thought it was really worthwhile. Pia was a bit scared during the sound and light show - the bombs and air-raid sirens were very loud. We arrived back at the camp ground just in time for a swim before dinner.  
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  1. Dear Mottrams,
    I'm so glad to see you've visited my hometown, Canberra. When you were at the war memorial you were only a very short distance from my
    grandparents' house in Reid. In fact, you can walk from my grandparents' house to the war memorial. Questacon is so much fun! I hope you all enjoyed the different rooms to visit and the giant slide. One of my favourite rooms is the
    weather room with the lightening strike and the earthquake house.

    Continue enjoying your trip!


  2. Hi. . . Nice to see you in my one of the favorite dream travel destination. I have been here couple of times and have visited many Canberra tourist attractions. It is really a great charming place. Enjoy your traveling. . .
