Friday 28 December 2012

A day at Crowdy Bay


Everyone now recoverd and enjoying the beauty of Crowdy Bay National Park (about 30km Nth of Port Macquarie). Basic camping with no drinking water and cold showers, but lots of wildlife and great scenery. Today have been for a bush walk and spotted some large monitors (see photo above), as big as Maia. Walked to Kylie's House (hut shown above), where author Kylie Tennant wrote a couple of books early in the 20th century - we don't know much about her yet, except that she was the local headmaster's wife. Tilly was bitten by an ant. Off to the beach this afternoon - typical of NSW coast beaches with long stretches of nice waves and crystal clear water. Thinking of heading to Sydney next to see in the New Year and avoid the holiday crowds. Looking forward to the Blue Mountains after that.
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1 comment:

  1. I don't like the word 'basic' when it comes to camping but it sounds like you are having a great time - Grace
