Sunday 13 January 2013

Travel to Beechworth

A quick stop to see the dog on the tuckerbox at Gundagai
12 degree and raining in Beechworth
Walking in Beechworth
Isla in Beechworth

While we originally thought we'd head to Albury today, we decided to keep going to Beechworth. After two 37 degree days in Canberra, it was quite a shock to arrive in Beechworth when it was 12 degrees! Everyone was really excited to dig out all the winter clothes and head out for a walk into town. It's a really beautiful town and, being Sunday afternoon, we felt we had it to ourselves. We stopped at the pub for a soft drink and a beer (and Lisa had a mulled wine - it must be cold). Great camp ground with excellent facilities. It was a real novelty for the kids to be able to watch TV in the camp kitchen.
Not sure if we'll stay here another day tomorrow, or continue our journey towards Melbourne. We'll keep you updated. 
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1 comment:

  1. I am really enjoying keeping up to date with your travels, nice to see you got a change from the hot weather we are all enduring. Jules O'Doherty
