Friday 11 January 2013

The journey to Canberra

The main street of Braidwood
Tilly outside Braidwood's National Theatre
Stocking up at the bakery
The local paper is produced here
Finally arrived in Canberra - doing our journals

After leaving Bawley Point, we travelled south to Bateman's  Bay and then across to Canberra. As usual, the towns we've never heard of prove to be really interesting. We stopped for lunch at Braidwood, about 40km east of Canberra. What a great country town - lots of nice cafes, two great bakeries, excellent opp shops, and the best lolly shop around. We spent much longer there than expected, and left with full tummies and a big box of local stone fruit.  We only saw one realtively small bush fire on the way across, thankfully. We arrived in Canberra late afternoon, and were fortunate to secure the only patch of green grass in the whole city for a campsite. A pool was also essential as the next few days are forecast to be very hot. We'll stay here 3 nights to see all the sites.
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