Tuesday 8 January 2013

Jenolan Caves

Tilly in the lucas cave
All of us in the Lucas cave
On our self-guided tour
In the lucas cave

Still in the Blue Mountains, we drove the 70km from Blackheath to Jenolan Caves. We arrived just in time for our 10am tour of the Lucas Cave, one of the larger caves. We were the only ones on the tour. Our tour giude was Graham, who first visited the caves when he was 7 years old (like Isla). Our tour went for 90 minutes, and we saw caves of all sizes. One cave was so big that it is used for concerts. We sang a song in there, and it sounded beautiful. We saw lots of crystals, stalactites, stalacmites and columns. After being outside where it was really hot, the cold air of the cave was really nice (about 18 degrees).
Once our tour was finished, we ate lunch and then went on a self-guided tour where we all had electronic tour guides that told us about some of the other caves. Everyone really enjoyed that too. We finished at Jenolan mid afternoon and went back to Blackheath pool, where we all swam until dinner time.
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