Tuesday 8 January 2013

A really, really hot day at Bawley Point (SE NSW)


After a really cool evening, we were woken by the camper being really hot and the annex being blown on to the roof. We all went outside at 5am to find the temperature was already 33 degrees. Nothing much to do, except pack things up as much as we could and wait for it to get hotter. The wind got stronger and stronger as it got hotter. It was 40 degrees by 10am. We eventually has to wind down the camper because it looked like the wond was goind to blow the roof off. Fortunately the kids indoor play centre was open all day, and the kids went into the cool to make chinese lanterns. Tilly and Justin had a great swim in the surf, which was really refreshing. Pia had a red face all day. The cool change came about 6pm and was really welcome. Our friends Kimberley and Riley came over for a BBQ. When we finally got into bed, we slept very soundly after such aslong and difficult day.
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1 comment:

  1. Great photos, especially the one of Tilly in the waves.
