Wednesday 2 January 2013

A day out in Sydney

Waiting to go the ferry
 Today we spent a day seeing the sights of Sydney. We caught the ferry from Manly into Circular Quay, and passed the Sydney Opera House and Sydney Harbour Bridge on the way. Much colder today, so we got a little cold.
Everyone enjoyed the ferry- particularly Pia, who was very happy that it had stairs to climb. Sydney was very busy with tourists from all over the world, but we were still able to visit the Opera House and wander around The Rocks and see all the old buildings there. We also visited the Museum of Contemporary Art, which is located right in that same area.
We caught the ferry back to Manly and made the big journey up the hill. Maia did a great job walking, even though she had a blister between her toes. We arrived back at the Montgomery's to find they had arrived home. Great excitement as the girls caught up with their friends and we all enjoyed a take-away meal together. Off to the Blue Mountains tomorrow!
Maia, Isla and Tilly on the ferry

Tilly on the ferry

At the Opera House
All of us at the Opera House
Tilly at the Museum of Contemporary Art

Dinner with the Mongomerys
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  1. That is so good that you are meeting up with friends. We are glad that Santa found you in Pottsville. We are eating mangoes by the tray load here. Miss you, love Orla tara Liam and Keely.

  2. The montgomery's loved meeting up with you.We hope you liked sydney and our house and no more eating sydney sand TILLY!Travel safe and we look forward to seeing you all in Melbourne.
    From all the Montgomery's
