Wednesday 26 December 2012

Journey to Red Rock

 After cleaning up the huge mess we had made of our friend's great holiday house ( a big thank you to Liam and Tanya Ryan!), we headed south towards Red Rock (on the Nth NSW coast, near Grafton). Drive was about 250km, although we did notice that Maia was asking "are we at Sydney yet?" after half an hour. We borle the journy by stopping at a little river port town called Ulmurra, on the Clarence River. A really great place, with some parks and a pub right on the river. Water was beautiful and warm and kids enjoyed jumping off the wharf. Arrived tonight at Red Rock. We didn't expect much, but have found a great, grassy, well-kept caravan park right on the beach and river. We'll post some photos shortly. First real night in our comapervan - weather is much
cooler so kids are all tucked up under their doonas.

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  1. Great start to your adventure. Christmas Day looks like it was much fun. What good friends you have! M&D.

  2. Great photos! Looks like a lovely place to be but we missed you all on Christmas Day. xx
