Saturday 22 December 2012

After a very hectic week with packing up our house in Brisbane, we finally hit the road on Friday 21 st December 2012. Everyone was really, really tired at that point because nearly the whole family had been sick while we were trying to pack up the house. Mum had spent the week lying on the floor of our house vomiting. Can you imagine trying to pack up a house and pack a camper while you were feeling so terrible?
Anyway, we got away from Brisbane at around 5pm and travelled in pouring rain to Pottsville, which is just between Kinscliffe and Byron Bay on the North NSW Coast. Some really generous friends of ours (Imogen's parents) have let us stay at their holiday house until Boxing Day, so we get to have Christmas Day in a house with a proper Christmas tree and presents, instead of being in our camper trailer.
Today has been a great day, with us all relaxing and recovering from the week. We walked into the shops and bought some food and then just went to swim in the beautiful river. We swam backwards and forwards across the river. Isla and Mum cooking dinner out of Jamie's 15 minute meals (taking alot longer than 15 minutes!).

Changing to daylight savings time gives us a good excuse to have a really early night.


  1. Great blog!! Keep it coming. The kids look happy but we suspect Tilly is enjoying the relaxation time the most. Love M&D.

  2. Ooops!! Mum tells me it's Isla. I'll blame the camera angle. In an case, they all look so well.
