Saturday 2 February 2013

Robe and on to Murray Bridge

On the jumping pillow
Justin looking worse for wear in Robe
At the Giant Lobster in Kingston SE
Ready for a swim in the Murray

Robe is definitely  a great place, located on the eastern S.A coast. Unofrtunately it was very cold and windy, so weonly spent a couple of nights there. We did a little bit of swimming and plenty of walking. The kids enjoyed the camp park, which had the obligatory jumping pillow and an indoor pool! Justin caught some waves at Long Beach.
No pont hanging around a beach town in the cold, so we've now headed north west to Murray Bridge. We'll spend just one night here (that's all it needs) before moving on to Adelaide. We really enjoyed the drive through The Coorong which sits between Robe and Murray Bridge. Really interesting landscape and strong aboriginal history.
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1 comment:

  1. Love a big lobster! Looks like fun, hope you are all enjoying it.
