Saturday 2 February 2013

Into South Australia

Entering S.A under a grey sky
The Blue Lake
At the Blue Lake
The big girls swimming in the very salty Pool of Siloam

 Our last stop in Victoria was a night in Nelson,just near the S.A border. No pictures included here, because it's not a particularly interesting place (unless you are into fishing). From there we journeyed into South Australia, spending a few hours seeing the sites of Mount Gambier. While Mount Gambier was cold and wet, we were really pleased that we got to see the Blue Lake and the really deep (50m) sink hole in the middle of the city. We had been told that the Blue Lake was unbelievable blue, but were still amazed by the colour of it - bright blue despite the sky being overcast. This is its natural colour over summer, while the water is pure enough to be the town's water supply.
We then headed on to Robe, via Beachport. The girls swam at Beachport in the Pool of Siloam which is apparently 7 times saltier than the sea. Maia kept bobbing to the top.
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1 comment:

  1. The lake would have looked even bluer if the skies were clear. It was a much brighter blue when we were there because it was sunny. Looks like you are having an interesting experience on your travels. Safe travels.
